Chiropractors and health practitioners use a variety of diagnostic tests to help identify the specific nature of musculoskeletal injury or condition. Orthopedic tests aid to identify specific conditions and diagnosis.

This section has a variety of common orthopedic tests, how they are performed, what they indicate when positive and the potential diagnosis as a result. Corresponding codes for ICD9 and ICD10 are displayed for each test.

They are listed by body region as well as alphabetic list below.

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Head Shoulder Sacroiliac Hip and Thigh Knee Ankle Foot Cervical Spine Thoracic Spine Lumbosacral Spine Elbow and Forearm Wrist Hand
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Milgram's Test

Orthopedic Test Milgram's Test
Method The subject lies supine on a table and asked to extend his or her knees and raise both legs approximately two inches off the table for as long as possible. If the subject is able to hold this position for thirty seconds without pain, intrathecal pathology is ruled out. The test is positive if the subject cannot hold the position, experiences pain, or cannot lift his or her legs. A positive test may suggest a herniated disc or pathological pressure on the theca itself.
Diagnosis Indication Intervertebral disc displacement, thoracolumbar region
ICD9 722.10
ICD10 M51.25
Orthopedic Test Milgram's Test
Method The subject lies supine on a table and asked to extend his or her knees and raise both legs approximately two inches off the table for as long as possible. If the subject is able to hold this position for thirty seconds without pain, intrathecal pathology is ruled out. The test is positive if the subject cannot hold the position, experiences pain, or cannot lift his or her legs. A positive test may suggest a herniated disc or pathological pressure on the theca itself.
Diagnosis Indication Intervertebral disc displacement, lumbar region
ICD9 722.10
ICD10 M51.26
Orthopedic Test Milgram's Test
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Diagnosis Indication